Nothing will so happy as your handiwork! Find items that for some time not using – old bicycle, ladders, wheelbarrows … Feel free to remove the parts that might seem “too industry”, remove the tire from the wheel, connect the devices that normally have nothing to do with each other, play and be creative. If you wanted to throw the buckets which are broken, do not do it, because they continue to be perfect to serve you with other function. Insert in the bottom the drainage layer of gravel, fill with soil and you will get a unique pot. Ladders can be fixed in its extended position and of you attach two thick planks as shelves – that’s original shelves for your flowering plants and other plants.
It does not have to be complicated, nor expensive fountain or pool, look through the basement and the pantry and see what can be used as a decoration in your yard. Did you want to throw your old unused teapots? Do not do that, we will show you why. You can reuse it and make fascinating garden decorations, which will be spotlight in your yard and everyone will be admired of. There are so many inspirational ideas, take a look below, and you will remain astonished!