Architecture Design - ONG&ONG Pte Ltd Designs a Contemporary Private Residence in Singapore
When you live in a climate that’s pleasant and warm all year round, you’ve got the perfect scenario for a stunning open concept home. With every building that adopts an open concept, however, the challenge is to find innovative ways to still provide the residents with enough privacy to make them feel comfortable and safe in their daily lives.

As with anything, a license to get creative in one feature opens doors for unique decor and design elsewhere in the home as well. KAP-House is a shining example of what we mean.

KAP-House is a private residential home located in a gorgeously sunny neighbourhood in Singapore. It was conceptualized, designed, and brought to life by creative teams at ONG&ONG Pte Ltd. The home was completed in late 2016 and is sure to set precedent in the way it’s walls and rooms are constructed.